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Conference publications

Creating expert computer system for analysis of regulatory peptides and biologicaly active compounds influence on physiological functions of organism

Koroleva S. V., Ashmarin I. P.

Russia, Moscow

"Математика. Компьютер. Образование". Cб. трудов XII международной конференции. Под общей редакцией Г.Ю. Ризниченко Ижевск: Научно-издательский центр "Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2005. Vol. 3, 344pp. Pp. 1055-1067.

A plenty of regulatory peptides (RP) known on the present moment, their expressed polyfunctionality, set of cross induction connections and huge number of experimental works do rather problematic process of the analysis and a prediction of influences of RP on an organism.

For an estimation of RP effects and other biologically active compounds (BAC) we developed the program complex RegPep/BAC consisting of a database and program modules of the analysis. The database created on the basis of literature data of 1960-2004 years, includes the following formalized objects: RP, BAC, physiological effects and induction influences (with the account of a way of introduction RP and BAC into organism), possible external influences on an organism, types of organisms, receptors. For realization of an estimation and comparison of influences of RP the method of vector representation of peptides effects was created, allowing to estimate a role of every RP in regulatory system of an organism. The given mathematical device was used as a basis for development of the following program modules of the analysis: 1) functional classification of RP; 2) a qualitative and quantitative estimation of cascade processes; 3) selection of optimum RP complexes with a required set of biological activities at the minimal side effects.

The developed expert system was used in tasks of the analysis of the functional continuum of RP, supervising a level of anxiety, a depression state, cognitive processes etc., and also at research of system of reward factors. With its help the most perspective combinations of peptides for development of effective drugs were selected.

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