
Conference publications


XVI conference

Conversion of IDEF0 models into UML-diagrams: the formalized statement of the problem

Khubaev G.N., Shirobokova S.N.1, Titarenko E.V.1, Tkachenko Y.V.1

Rostov's State Economic University "RINKH", Russia, 344002, Rostov-on-Don, st. B. Sadovaya, 69, tel.:8(863)-237-02-71, E-mail:

1South-Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute), Russia, 346428, Rostov region, Novocherkassk, st.Prosvyasheniya 132, tel.(fax): 8(863 52) 5-52-40, E-mail:,,

2 pp. (accepted)

Presented the statement of the problem of IDEF0-diagrams to UML-diagrams converting, the structure of general objects of developed converter described.

As our researches have shown, UML-diagrams can be successfully used for business-processes modeling in different areas. With the help of UML-diagrams can be identified functions of analysed system, can be described the conduct of whole system or its part, requirements, connected with time and time limitations can be specified, can be set the place where one or another component executes, define its location. The possibility to convert IDEF0-diagrams to UML-diagrams with subsequent generation of simulation model is presented.

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