
Conference publications


XX conference

Analysis of the results of control "residual" knowledge of mathematics by SENIOR STUDENTS of GUU

Andrusenko N.P., Efimova M.V., Rodimova E.A.

State University of Management Department of Mathematics Russia, 109 542, Moscow, Ryazan prospectus, d.99. Tel. (495) 371-70-88, fax: (495) 371-70-88, E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

High school in the world is experiencing serious difficulties and is in search of new ways to deal with them, due to the exponential growth of information needed for students and problems in traditional teaching methods. In our country, these processes are complicated by a decrease in the level of knowledge in a large proportion of entrants, lower prestige of education in society and among young people. In this paper we present some approaches to assess the level of mathematical training of students in the GUU, their analysis and some advices how to develop and improve the educational process.

Because of the transition to the Bachelor of GUU and participation in the Bologna Convention number of classroom hours devoted to the fundamental natural - scientific disciplines, including mathematics, has been reduced, most parts of programs has been transferred to an independent study. Therefore acquired a special urgency check the "residual” knowledge among senior students, as it gives the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the strength of the new conditions.

Department of Mathematics in GUU has prepared several tests that combine the main sections of the course: algebra, geometry, calculus, probability theory and mathematical statistics, computational and discrete mathematics. Testing was proved by producing departments who chose the material according to their needs.

Analysis of test results made it possible to identify the sections of the program, the students learned the least. However, the tests do not allow us to understand the nature of the difficulties encountered in the solution for each specific task, so the Department of Mathematics organized a consultations on the results of testing. They discussed methods of solving problems that have caused the most difficulty are identified specific errors, understood the decision. Was held consulting and training check: online testing, allowed to evaluate the result of the consultation. We prepared materials for various branches of mathematics for self study of senior students.

Such example of "recovery" knowledge among senior students showed the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of different pedagogical approaches to learning. Senior students are more aware of the knowledge in areas of mathematics they need for specialty profile. Search for the new methods of teaching is very relevant and is actively conducted throughout the world, the experience can be developed in this direction.

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