
Conference publications


XXII conference

Curling - good control of friction

Ivanov A.P., Yakovenko G.N..

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian, 141700, Moscow Region., Dolgoprudny, Institutsky lane. 9, Department of Theoretical Mechanics. Tel .: (495) 576-57-33, fax: (495) 408-68-69. E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

By the ancient game, now Olympic curling mind, addressed by many researchers processes with friction (see [1] and references cited therein). In a twenty curling stone sliding along a horizontal ice surface. Goal of the movement is to hit a stone in the drawn on the target surface. On the route of the impact, firstly, the initial impetus, and secondly, the intervention team in the state of the ice in the path of the stone: the team members with special brushes affect the ice. The report in the mathematical modeling of motion stone made simplifying assumptions: Stone performs translational motion; mass center stone moves in a straight line; the resultant friction force is directed opposite to the velocity center and largest proportional to the resultant of the normal reaction. Because of the interference of players at the site of the coefficient of proportionality - the coefficient of friction can be quite arbitrary, unpredictable in advance a function of time, ie, the system is non-stationary robust [2]. By the coefficient of friction can also be treated as a control parameter. From this perspective, the mathematical model describes the regular controlled system [3]. Both points of view - and the robustness of time-dependent process control - are discussed in the report. We also discuss group-theoretic properties of the model: computed group of shifts along the trajectories and the symmetry group [2, 3].


1 Ivanov A.P Fundamentals of the theory of systems with friction. Moscow-Izhevsk: "Regular and chaotic motion", Institute of Computer Science, 2011.-304 p.

2 Yakovenko G.N. Nonstationary robust system - a generalization class of control systems // Automation and Remote Control. - 2011. - № 7. - S. 75-82.

3 Yakovenko G.N. Control theory regular systems. - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008 - 264 p.

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