
Conference publications


XXII conference

Modeling of mutual behavior of predators and prays on early stages of evolution

Zafirov E.A., Melkikh A.V.

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, the Russian Federation, 620002, Ekaterinburg, Mira street, 21, 8(343)375-94-97,; 8(343)375-93-49,

1 pp. (accepted)

On the basis of the developed fundamentally new software environment, named after "The Chase" (previously “Cubes2D”) [1], the experiments of studying of the mutual behavior of predator and preys (the organisms) were performed. The organisms are inflicted on the playing field of the software environment. The visualization and simulation are based on game theory, processes of persecution of “victim” by “predator” according to different variable input parameters: the speed of “prey” and “predator”, “predator” capture radius, the degree of accuracy of view of “predator” and “prey”.

All actions of the objects of the game are resource-intensive for them. Energy is a universal resource in this case. Each object of system has some initial base stock of energy, part of which is spent in the commission of each action (movement, change the capture radius and degree of accuracy of view).

It is necessary to determine the optimal strategy of "Predator" and “victim” in the software environment (varying the input parameters) by conducting experiments and generate a set of statistics. The optimal strategy of “pray” “stay alive” for maximum time, or remain alive until complete consumption of energy reserves of the “predator”. The optimal strategy of “predator” is the minimum time to catch up with “pray”. To solve this problem it is necessary to answer the following questions: is it profitable for “predator” or “pray” to have increased speed?; is it profitable for “predators” to have increased capture radius?; is it profitable for "pray" to see the predator?; is it profitable for “predator” to have reduced the accuracy of view?

The dependence of the time of the persecution of the values of variable input parameters was obtained. For example, decreasing the accuracy of the predator increases the average time of persecution, but it allows the “predator” to save energy. However, with a decrease of accuracy of view less the predetermined limit, “predator” can not catch up with the victim, and, therefore, the average time of persecution increases.


1. E.A. Zafirov, A.V. Melkikh. Computer modeling of the mutual behavior of predators and prey in the early stages of evolution. // I International youth scientific conference, devoted to the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Physics and Technology. Ekaterinburg, Ural Federal University, the PhTI. // Open "Publisher UMC UPI", Ekaterinburg, 2014. - pp. 142-143.

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