
Conference publications


XXII conference

The use of modeling methods for enhancing cognitive activity of students in the study of natural sciences

Korolev M.Ju., Yabloshevskaya Ju.S.

Russia, Moscow, Krasnoprudnaya str., D. 14

1 pp. (accepted)

Currently, the implementation of the FGOS VPO in the universities of the Russian Federation. Among the areas of training is a significant component of humanitarian and socio-economic areas of training. The curriculum for these training areas, as well as for humanitarian profile in the direction of "Pedagogical education" has dramatically decreased the number of training hours devoted to natural science. These disciplines include: "Concepts of modern natural science", "Scientific picture of the world", "Ecology".

In our opinion, the students and the natural Sciences, and Humanities and profiles training needs in the learning process to master the following competencies:

• ability to use professional activity knowledge from the field of natural Sciences, as well as knowledge about the natural view of the world;

• possession of a culture of scientific thinking, the ability to generalize, analysis and synthesis, perception of information.

These competencies should be formed in the process of learning above the natural Sciences. Students of the Humanities and profiles of preparation have a low level of cognitive activity. It is therefore necessary to use different ways of enhancing this process.

One of the ways of enhancing students cognitive activity may be the use of a modeling method. It should be noted a special role of this method as one of the most important methods of scientific knowledge and a huge number of models that are considered in natural Sciences "Concepts of modern natural science", "Scientific picture of the world", "Ecology". With models available to represent the essence of various phenomena and processes of the world, better cold start to comprehend the material. All this will enhance cognitive activity in the study of these disciplines.

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