
Conference publications


XXIV conference

The transition from de-industrialization to the reindustrialization of the Russian market of open economy

Kornev A.K.

Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 117418, Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 47. Tel .: (499) 129-10-22, fax (495) 718-97-71, E-mail:. Alkonstkornev @ yandex. ru

1 pp. (accepted)

In the context of an open market economy in our country over the next few decades, the inevitable is a constant rise in prices for the products of the extractive industries, aimed at achieving their world-class prices. As a result of the redistribution of the natural rent in favor of manufacturing industries with an ever-growing level of prices for the products of the mining industry leads to a decrease in the volume of natural resource rents redistributed and therefore reduce the level of subsidies to enterprises of manufacturing industry. Therefore, in the 90-ies. there was a transition to a redistribution of the natural rent in favor of manufacturing industries by taxing production mining industry, tax collection, distribution of collected funds and then allocating the address of the manufacturing industry as the subsidies of their material costs. A new way of redistribution of natural resource rents allowed targeted way to save from bankruptcy and liquidation of many important companies, but the overall volume of subsidies further reduced. The transition from de-industrialization taking place in the post-Soviet period, open market economy, to its re-industrialization is possible in the medium term in terms of creating a few tens of vertically integrated cross-industry corporations (Vimkom) using as TNK internal non-market transfer prices. A transition can be carried out with the use of public-private partnership, as well as the experience of industrialization in the Soviet period and the re-industrialization of the US economy in the 80s. of the last century.

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