
Conference publications


XXV conference

Selected problems of international school tournaments in AESC MSU

Natyaganov V.L., Timokhin E.V., Shivrinskaya E.V.

121352, Moscow, Kremenchug str., 11, AESC MSU, Department of mathematics, tel.+7 499 445 4054

1 pp. (accepted)

In AESC MSU – school named by A. N. Kolmogorov annual International tournaments and conferences for students: "Mathematical all-round" in early November, and "Kolmogorov readings" in early May – each with its own characteristics.

In the 2016-2017 school year they were dedicated to the memory of Valery Vasilievich Vavilov, honored teacher of Russia, Professor and Deputy Director of AESC on scientific work, associate Professor in mechanics and mathematics faculty of Moscow state University, author of many textbooks and manuals on mathematics for secondary and higher education, some of which are published in other countries (Argentina, Cuba, Syria, etc.), as well as numerous articles for students in the magazine "Kvant" and "Potential" in the editorial boards of which he was responsible for the mathematical section.

The report describes selected problems of these tournaments and readings, the authors of which tried to preserve the unique style and creative approach V. Vavilov to the questions of methodology of teaching mathematics, which is always admired by colleagues, graduate students, and especially students.

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