
Conference publications


XXV conference

Science education in the Humanities in the light of the integrative processes

Yabloshevskaya U.S, Bobrov A.V.1

Moscow state pedagogical University, Department of natural Sciences and innovative technologies. Russia, 107140, Moscow, Krasnoprudnaya str., 14 phone: 8(915) 200 56 92; e-mail:

1School №887, Russia,121467, Moscow, Moldovan street, Dom 6, korpus 2. Tel: +7(985)169-69-01, E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

Recently in science there is a process of integration. "Integration of scientific knowledge is, above all, the movement of mutual exchange of scientific achievements and interrelated development of those or other scientific units, which are formed as a result of this interchange" [1]. Academician Y. A. wrote: "By the end of the twentieth century, science would have separated into layers... Specialist often confined to their layer, absorbed within the details... This created the narrowness of scientific thinking, forgetting the integrity of the world." It should also be noted that the integration happens between humanitarian and natural-science knowledge. So, the concept of "entropy" occurs frequently in thermodynamics, as the "state function of a thermodynamic system, characterizing the direction of flow of spontaneous processes in this system and is a measure of irreversibility". In linguistics, you can also find this concept. For example, the entropy of the language. Language considered as an open, changing, additive and probabilistic system [2]. Integrated courses help students understand the relationship of science to dismantle the modern industry of science. In schools in Humanities classes introduces the subject of "natural Science". It is a promising replacement of one-hour courses in physics, chemistry and biology. In universities on humanitarian directions of training disciplines such as CNS, SPNS etc. the Main purpose of these courses – a holistic scientific picture of the world. It is necessary to observe the continuity "school – University" natural science training in the Humanities. In our opinion, this can be achieved by shaping the integration centers proposed N. And. Madame Odintsov and E. E. Odintsov [3]. Development centers will enable students to better understand the structure of scientific knowledge.

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