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Поздравляем хозяина конференций в Дубне Владимира Васильевича Коренькова с 70-летием и желаем ему здоровья и творческих успехов!
Conference publications
XXVII conference
Mathematical Modeling in Science and Technology
Натяганов В.Л., Маслов С.А., Скобенникова Ю.Д., Шивринская Е.В.
Современное потепление климата как следствие глобальной активизации планеты
(2020) 1 pp.
Мазуров М.Е.
Торнадо – нелинейные механизмы, свойства
(2020) 1 pp.
Мазуров М.Е.
Вогнутые спиральные волны, переносящие энергию, и их приложения
(2020) 1 pp.
Сосенушкин Е.Н., Кадымов В.А., Яновская Е.А.
Математическое моделирование силовых и деформационных параметров при сжатии пластического слоя
(2020) 1 pp.
Малиновская Е.А.
Условия возникновения микроряби и ее влияние на ветровой вынос
(2020) 1 pp.
Хохрякова Ю.В.
Задача принятия решений в условиях многокритериальной оптимизации с элементами нечеткой логики
(2020) 1 pp.
Моделирование прохождения газоконденсатной смеси через пористую среду в режиме истощения
(2020) 1 pp.
Samokhin A.S., Samokhina M.A., Grigoriev I.S., Zapletin M.P.
Numerical optimization of a three-pulse approach to Phobos with reach of Mars Hill sphere based on the solving of series of Lambert problems
(2020) 1 pp.
Apreytesey A.M., Fedorov A.
Application of combinatorial and operator approaches to the close and open Schlögl model
(2020) 1 pp.
Avilov S.V.
Modelling the Multiplication of Hierarchical Structures Using the Iterated Function System Method
(2020) 1 pp.
Bykadorova G.V., Pastrevich A.O., Shmoylova I.I.
Design and Technology Modelling of MOS-Structures with a Double-Material Gate
(2020) 1 pp.
Dolgih I.I.
Collective dynamics and scale effects of phase formation in the aerosil-polystyrene latex system
(2020) 1 pp.
Dzerzhinsky R.I., Krynetskiy B.A.
The exploration of solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equation in the autowave approximation
(2020) 1 pp.
Eremina N.S, Neelova L.O.
Investigation of the effect of filtration of small-scale disturbances in initial fields on the results of numerical integration of predictive equations
(2020) 1 pp.
Eserkepov A.V., Tarasevich Yu.Yu.
Modeling the electrical conductivity of two-dimensional composites
(2020) 1 pp.
Gorkun A.G., Vodolazskaya I.V.
Modeling the influence of thermal effects on the process of mass transfer in a liquid placed in a cylindrical cell of micrometer size
(2020) 1 pp.
Nikonov E.G., Popovicova M.
Numerical study of nanopore permeability for gases and liquids using a simple liquid model
(2020) 1 pp.
Obgadze T.
Mathematical modelling of the Mud Flow dynamics
(2020) 1 pp.
Perepelkin E., Polyakova R., Kovalenko A.
Integrated Approach in Modeling and Optimization of Accelerator Elements
(2020) 1 pp.
Polyakova R., Kovalenko A., Yudin I.
Continuous Analogue of the Newton's Method of Mathematical Modeling of the Nonlinear Problem of Particle Dynamics in Accelerators
(2020) 1 pp.
Samokhina M.A., Samokhin A.S., Galyaev A.A.
Numerical solution of the problem of constructing a map of locally optimal paths to overcome the zone of sensors with uniform fields in the flat case
(2020) 1 pp.
Savenkova N.P., Mokin A.Y., Udovichenko N.S.
Mathematical modeling of the problem of aluminum electrolyzer MHD stability
(2020) 1 pp.
Shatrov A.V., Rychkov S.L.
Mathematical modeling of oil spill dispersion processes
(2020) 1 pp.
Shevchenko A.V., Mamaeva A.A.
The use of several fuzzy controllers in cognitive intelligent control systems
(2020) 1 pp.
Tarbaev D.A., Gazaryan V.A., Aleshnovsky V.S., Bezrukova A., Shapkina N.E., Kurbatova Yu.A., Chulichkov A.I.
Morphological analysis of the time series of carbon dioxide concentration
(2020) 1 pp.
Ugrozov V.V., Volkov A.V.
Mathematical modeling of gas permeability of a composite membrane taking into account of viscous flow
(2020) 1 pp.
Uvarova L.A., Aleksic B.N., Aleksic N.B.
Non-linear waves on boundary of nanosuspension
(2020) 1 pp.
Yudin I.P.
Computer simulation in an integral formulation on the magnetostatic problem for quadrupole magnets in the acccelerator project for biomedical research
(2020) 2 pp.
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