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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXVII conferenceVideo guide for guides on the example of the exposition "Earth in the Universe"The Earth Science Museum at Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninsky mountains, d. 1, +7 (925) 517-48-96, vin_nik@mail.ru 1 pp. (accepted)A number of video lectures are compiled for the guides at the Moscow State University’s Scientific and Educational Museum of Geography, which make up the experimental video tutorial, according to the following stands: “SYSTEM EVOLUTION OF THE WORLD IN COMPLEXITY”, “UNIVERSE”, “GALAXIES”, “STARS”, “SUN”. The proposed video tutorial combines various ways of presenting information, such as: image, video, audio, graphics, animation, which allows you to make the training material information rich and easy to read, due to the simultaneous impact on several channels of perception of the learner.
The use of multimedia technology in the preparation of guides has several advantages compared to traditional training. So, for example, due to the attractiveness of the supply of educational material, interest in the proposed educational material increases. In addition, psychologists have found that information perceived audiovisually is more meaningful and better remembered. Due to the fact that multimedia technologies involve various senses of the student, the learning process becomes more effective. Conducting training using multimedia technologies saves time, which makes it possible to intensify the presentation of educational material. One of the most significant benefits of multimedia is interactivity. Thanks to it, it is possible to control the flow of information within certain limits: students get the opportunity to independently change the settings, study the results obtained, set the feed rate, number of repetitions, etc. The interactivity of multimedia technologies allows you to undergo training in an individual mode, taking into account the characteristics of each student: some better absorb information by reading, others by listening, a third by watching a video, etc. This, of course, affects the quality of education in general.