
Conference publications


XXX conference

Philology-Students Views on the Future Career, Their Priorities and Motivations

Vinokurova N.A.1, Gudovich I.S.

Voronezh state University, mathematics faculty, Department of mathematical modeling, Russia, 394018, Voronezh, University square 1, Phone: +7(910)2805807,

1Central Economic and mathematical Institute of RAS, Russia, 117418, Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, d. 47, Phone: +7(903)6820947,

1 pp. (accepted)

This study belongs to a series of works devoted to the modern student's views, moods and plans and based on a survey of students in 14 universities in 5 cities of the Russian Federation. The study showed that not only students views and motivations of different specialties differ, but also their socio-demographic characteristics. This determines the importance of analyzing survey data for different categories of students. In this article, we will consider the views of students in the humanities, or rather students of philology, and identify their specifics. First, we note that philology traditionally is a female profession, so the gender factor can influence the views and plans of students. The main feature of the philological direction students’ attitude to their future career is their desire to work on freelance, which turned out to be much greater than that of all other students. This can be partly explained by the gender factor. The study shows that free work mode and the opportunity to combine work and personal affairs are very important for women. However, in our time it is no longer possible to consider freelancing only as a desire for a free work regime or as a replacement for unemployment. Now freelancing is a free creative work, an opportunity for self-realization. Today, the freelance exchange offers exactly the types of work that philological graduates can do. These are editors, proofreaders, copywriters, translators, creators of advertising materials, etc. Even the most common type of work for the humanities (teaching) is now also often carried out remotely and therefore may be present at freelance. So here the personal interests of students and the conditions prevailing in the labor market converged. Despite the interest in freelancing, almost 30% of philologists expressed a desire to organize their own business. Almost half of philologists would like to become entrepreneurs in the field of leisure and entertainment (48.4% of responses), which is in line with the global trend towards a transition to a leisure economy. Thus, students show themselves to be quite rational people who are serious about their future careers. This is evidenced by their choice of the sphere of entrepreneurship related to education (43.5% of responses). In general, it can be expected that the considered group of students will be able to successfully fit into the labor market.


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