
Conference publications


XXV conference

Values Break in the Presentation of Students About the Attraction of Intellectual Intensive Kinds of Professional Activity

Baklikov A.S., Vinokurova N.A.1, Gudovich I.S.

Voronezh State University, Mathematical Faculty, Department of Mathematical Modeling, Russia, 394006, Voronezh, Universitetskaya pl., 1 Tel.: 8-910-280-58-07

1Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 117418, Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 47, Tel.: +7(495)421-54-30 vinokurova@

1 pp. (accepted)



The present work is an analysis of the data obtained as a result of the sociological study "The image of the future of Russia through the eyes of youth." A survey of students and graduate students was conducted in higher educational institutions of Voronezh and Moscow. When analyzing the data obtained in order to identify the value orientations of youth as a factor in the future development of the country, the authors of this work drew attention to the considerable discrepancy in the assessments of the students of different faculties and specialties of certain indicators and factors important for the future of Russia and the prospects for the life of the participants in the questionnaire. The presence of such a difference in itself does not cause doubts and is quite predictable. In the presented study, we tried to find out to what extent the differences are related to the professional orientation of young people and how large they are.

First of all, we were interested in the question: "Have you ever wanted to become a scientist?" Among the seven groups – physicists, mathematicians (applied mathematics), engineers, biologists, economists, philologists and psychologists, the greatest number of people wishing to work in the field of science was noted among physicists and biologists (75% and 67.3% respectively). Less often than all showed this desire engineers (33.3%) and economists (21.2%). It should be noted that, nevertheless, this indicator is quite high in all these groups. For example, philologists quite a bit behind physicists and biologists: 53.1% of students answered their question “yes”. However, among those who have ever thought about working in science, most would like to work abroad – mathematics (50%) and psychologists (38.5%), but practically do not associate their future with scientific work abroad engineers. The question "Would you like to work abroad?" was answered negatively by 46.7% of engineers, and they expressed their consent only in one version – "abroad, but for a certain period" – 10%. It is interesting to note, that applied mathematicians, who demonstrated far from the highest index at will to work in science, to the question "Who determines the future in the greatest degree?", scientists took the first place: 41.7% of students rated scientists the highest score in importance, in while politicians were rated only 16.7% of students by the highest score. In all the other groups listed above, politicians took the first position.

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