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Conference publications

PS II model application for analysis of fluorescence yield transients induced by actinic single turnover flash

Belyaeva N. E., Paschenko V. Z., Renger G., Riznichenko G. Yu., Rubin A. B.

Russia, Moscow

"Математика. Компьютер. Образование". Cб. трудов XIII международной конференции. Под общей редакцией Г.Ю. Ризниченко Ижевск: Научно-издательский центр "Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2006. Vol. 2, 498pp. Pp. 333-345.

Flash induced fluorescence yield changes of thermophilic Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick cells preparations (native and in the presence of DCMU) were investigated in the time range from 100 ns to 10 sec with the newly developed measuring system. The results were analysed by mathematical modeling of PS II processes. The detailed description of recombination (including nonradiative) PS II processes is important to simulate the fluorescence yield transients induced by an actinic single turnover flash. The model PS II were modified to describe the lightinduced effects in the presence of DCMU.

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