
Conference publications

Embedding of strong sectors structures and the economic complexity of regional economies

Afanasiev M.Yu., Kudrov A.V.

Москва, Центральный экономико-математический институт РАН,,

Анализ и моделирование экономических и социальных процессов Ижевск: Институт компьютерных исследований, 2021. 154pp. Pp. 8-21.

DOI: 10.20537/mce2021econ01

The analysis of the elements of the matrix, which is used to assess the economic complexity, is presented. In contrast to the traditional approach, in which the concept of economic complexity is applied to countries and the products they export, the emphasis is on the study of regions and sectors of the economy. For them, the probabilistic interpretation is shown and the properties are given, on the basis of which aggregated indicators are determined that characterize the embedding of the structures of strong sectors of regional economies. Embedding indicators are characterized by a high degree of correlation with economic complexity.

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