
Архив публикаций


XXII-ая конференция

Features of social and pedagogical support of female cadets in the social enviroment of the military high school

Golitsyna I.A.


1  стр. (принято к публикации)

The word "officer" in all languages sounds about the same. "Officer" - an international term meaning "the representative team of the army and navy", "army chief, invested with the rank." Officers and cadets – are the masculine nouns. Some time ago, it was hard to imagine that the "student", "future officer" will be calls not only for men but also for women. The situation in the world develops in such a way that the concept of a woman and the army are the usual combination.

Over the years, we have conducted research on the provision of socio-pedagogical support of the future officers, but we did not consider the question of social and educational support to cadets-girls in the absence of such a system of education of our branch of the Academy. In the current academic year, the branch of the Academy for the first time carried out reception of female cadets, which made it possible to extend the objective issues of socio-pedagogical support to interaction with cadets-girls.

In order to identify the need for activities on social and educational support and to determine its direction the pilot studies were conducted. In the process of psychological and pedagogical monitoring the activities and behavior of female cadets, we obtained results that, in our opinion, are of some interest.

We have carried out surveys, questionnaires, mini-essays that demonstrate some of the features first-year girls stay in the social environment of the military high school. We have designed a series of survey questions is similar profiles for the cadets, boys, freshmen this set. Some of the results were surprising and in some areas different from those data that we met in small studies on this topic.

Revealing was that within three months of training female students in our department of mathematics has been identified the need to restructure the ways of interaction during the learning process. It turned out that not all the tried and tested methodological and pedagogical practices of those that worked effectively for cadets-boys, gave identical results in the pedagogical interaction with the cadets-girls.

We hope that materials, specific data considered in this article, will be of interest not only to teachers of military high schools, working with cadets-young men and girls cadets, and persons concerned with the medical and psychological support for servicemen and civilians involved gender studies.

© 2004 Дизайн Лицея Информационных технологий №1533